Thursday, February 17, 2011

To good neighbors Ellen & John

Being protestant I know little about saints, but a little research gave me some interesting facts. St Valentine is a kind hearted patron saint to a rather diverse group, those with the plague, prone to fainting, lovers, happy marriages, those with epilepsy, engaged couples and bee keepers to name a few. Like all good saints he was beheaded as was the fate of most of the piety folk of his day and it is thought that the 14th of February marked his destiny.
With the old adage, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing; I decided to embark on an unusual valentine thank you note. And being stuck on this blooming couch too many hours a day prompted this narrative.
Most of the happiest moments in life come to us in teaspoonfuls, not in gallons or bushels. They arrive in the least expected places, fill gaps that are full of shadows, warm love starved hearts and renew faith, hope and courage. Friends can have a profound effect on someone’s life and wellbeing. Moments, that may show up in a shovel or a truck with a plow, a tool bag, hot water heaters installed in jig time, an offer for dinner, an encouraging word, willing to drive and on uncanny ability to see when you are trying to hide the pain. So what can one say to express the kind of gratitude that is adequate compensation? I can simply say that on this day set aside to celebrate love.

Thanks, I love you both.

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