Thursday, February 17, 2011

To the Snow Angels

One snowy morning, I looked out
And what should I see
Snow Angels arrived just to help me
House bound and feeling low
I wasn’t about to shovel snow
But these jolly characters, four in number
Tackled that snow with vigorous plunder
They tossed it, they turned it and set it aside
Shoveled a path, the snow tried to hide
They cleared off the car, swept the steps down
All with a grin, never a frown
Tackled the ice, it couldn’t abide
Got the job done, with lots of pride
So to those Angels who came one cold winter day
And did a job, without any pay
I know snow shoveling is not all fun
But I thank you for a job well done

                                          Thanks to Ellen, John, Zoe, Mike & Lila
                                                              January 2011

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